Our legal mandate

The Studierendenwerksgesetz NRW (Student Services Act of North Rhine-Westphalia) specifies the tasks we provide for students in our area of responsibility:

  • Establishment, provision and maintenance of economic and social facilities.
  • Insuring students against illness and accidents, unless otherwise stipulated by law.
  • Measures to provide health care for students
  • Promotion of cultural interests of students by providing their rooms as well as in accordance with their statutes
  • measures to promote studies, in particular when called upon to implement the Federal Training Assistance Act (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz)

The Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia is responsible for legal supervision. The Studierendenwerk Dortmund is not bound by instructions from the Ministry (except for BAföG). This technical arrangement is in the hands of the two bodies within the company: Management and Administrative Board.

The Board of Directors

The administrative board is responsible for the fundamental decisions in the student union.The tasks and composition are regulated in the Student Union Act (StWG NRW).Among other things, it states that four students from universities in the student union's area of ​​responsibility must be members of the administrative board.The students are elected by their respective representatives. The administrative board is currently made up of the following:

Simon Waimann, Chairman Student member (FH Südwestfalen)

Britta Ebenfeld, Deputy Chairman Head of Department FH Südwestfalen

Nicole Benski, employee representative of the Studierendenwerk

Sabina Eichel, student member (FH Dortmund)

Dennis Esser, employee representative of the Studierendenwerk

Luca Kruppa, student member (TU Dortmund)

Katrin Lauterborn, member according to Section 4 Paragraph 1 No. 4 StWG NRW

Wiebke Möhring, Prorector of the TU Dortmund

Svea Saatkamp,student member (TU Dortmund)

Svea Saatkamp was elected as the student representative of the Studierendenwerk Dortmund in the Student Council of the Deutsches Studierendenwerk (DSW).

The tasks of the administrative board are:

  • Adopting resolutions on the statutes and the guidelines for the managing director
  • Approval of the business plan drawn up by the managing director
  • Appointment of the auditor
  • Control and supervision of the economic management by the Executive Board, review of compliance with the economic plan
  • Approval of the annual accounts
  • Approval in fundamental matters (e.g. purchase of real estate, loan agreements)
  • Right to propose members of the management board
The administrative board of the Studierendenwerk: from left: Katrin Lauterborn, Nicole Benski, Britta Ebenfeld, Dennis Esser, Svea Saatkamp, ​​Simon Waimann and Prof. Dr. Wiebke Möhring (not in the photo: Sabina Eichel and Luca Kruppa).


The business of the Dortmund Student Union is managed by Burkhard Schwemin and Johannes Zedel.

The tasks of the management are:

Burkhard Schwemin (left), commercial managing director, Johannes Zedel (right), managing director for the social affairs department.

  • Management of the business according to commercial principles
  • Representation of the Studierendenwerk Concept and further development of the Studierendenwerk
  • Preparation of the business plan and annual financial statement
  • Responsibility for personnel and organisation
  • Control of the operational areas
  • Legal control over the resolutions of the Board of Directors, right of objection
Burkhard Schwemin (left), commercial managing director, Johannes Zedel (right), managing director for the social affairs department.
© StwDo

The Staff Council

The Staff Council is responsible for implementing co-determination in the company in accordance with the State Staff Representation Act (LPVG) and representing the rights of employees. The Staff Council is made up as follows:

  • Dennis Esser, Chairman (Student Finance/BAföG)
  • Susanne Thomas, 1st Deputy Chairwoman (Accounting)
  • Christoph S. Hugo 2nd Deputy Chairperson (Facility Management)
  • Ralf Brexel (Workshop)
  • Nils Herrmann (University Catering)
  • Petra Hoehle (Daycare Centre in the Green)
  • Piotr Kozdeba (University Catering)
  • Faribors Nikjoo (IT)
  • Melanie Reska 3rd Deputy Chairwoman (Culture)
The staff council of the Studierendenwerk.
© StwDo

Other employee representatives

  • Representative body for severely disabled employees
    Simone Siedschlag (university catering)
  • Youth and trainee representation
    Pieranyelis Rodriguez (trainee)

Other representatives of the employer

  • Equal Opportunities Officer
    Fanny Wittek (InfoPoint)
  • Inclusion Officer
    Berit Janson (Student Finance)
  • Company doctor
    Dr. med. Ulrich Vossen
  • Occupational Safety Officer
    Manfred Pietsch (MEDITÜV)

Memberships in DSW and ARGE

The Studierendenwerk is part of the Deutsches Studierendenwerk (DSW), the nationwide umbrella organisation of student unions. The DSW continuously publishes figures, data and facts with a view to the students in Germany.

The Studierendenwerk Dortmund is also a member of the Working Group of Student Unions in NRW. The publications of the ARGE are published here.

Annual Report digital

Annual report 2023

Annual report 2022