Advice and online counselling

In order to get your own BAföG application underway or to discuss an existing application in more detail, we offer personal counselling at the Service Centre for Student Financing/BAföG on Tuesdays (9:00-12:00) and Thursdays (13:30-15:30). You do not need an appointment, but please allow some waiting time as we operate with a ticket system.

Frequently asked questions about food and drink

Where does the food for the canteen come from?

We buy many foodstuffs from traders in the region, such as meat and sausage products, fresh fruit and vegetables or baked goods. For example, our potatoes (about 95 tonnes annually) come exclusively from local fields. In addition, we buy our products from wholesalers, because only here can we get the sizes and containers we need. Wherever possible, we use fair trade and organic products.

Which products are fairtrade and/or organic?

We buy many foodstuffs from traders in the region, such as meat and sausage products, fresh fruit and vegetables or baked goods. For example, our potatoes (about 95 tonnes annually) come exclusively from local fields. In addition, we buy our products from wholesalers, because only here can we get the sizes and containers we need. Wherever possible, we use fair trade and organic products.

Is there vegetarian and/or vegan food?

We buy many foodstuffs from traders in the region, such as meat and sausage products, fresh fruit and vegetables or baked goods. For example, our potatoes (about 95 tonnes annually) come exclusively from local fields. In addition, we buy our products from wholesalers, because only here can we get the sizes and containers we need. Wherever possible, we use fair trade and organic products.

Further contacts

Head of Department
Berit Janson 0231 20649-201 Write email
Claudia Grygiel 0231 20649-204 Write email
Team leaders
Teamleiterin A-Harm
Aylin Großer 0231 20649-217 Write email
Teamleiter Harn-Schek
Daniel Bravidor 0231 20649-225 Write email
Teamleiterin Schel-Z, Stellvertretende Abteilungsleiterin
Carina Klaffki 0231 20649-227 Write email
Advance payment* and enforcement matters
Eva-Maria Altemeier 0231 20649-202 Write email
Sachbearbeiterin Vollstreckungsangelegenheiten
Dorit Peitzmann 0231 20649-215 Write email

* Advance payments are not advance payments pursuant to Section 51 (2) BAföG.

Responsable for six universities - in terms of BAföG

In terms of BAföG, we, the Studierendenwerk Dortmund, look after these six universities:

  • TU Dortmund 
  • FH Dortmund
  • FH Südwestfalen in Iserlohn/Meschede/Hagen/Soest
  • International School of Management (ISM) GmbH
  • FernUniversität Hagen
  • SRH University 

If your university is not included, or if you would like to apply for student BAföG or international BAföG, you can find the addresses of the relevant offices at www.bafö