Accident insurance

As a registered student at TU Dortmund, FH Dortmund and FH Südwestfalen, you are legally insured against accidents.If you have an accident, please notify the relevant department in the university administration as soon as possible (see below).Accidents must also be reported to the Dortmund Student Union (Silke Becker, Vogelpothsweg 85, 44227 Dortmund, email).The Student Union forwards the accident report to the accident insurance fund.Application forms are available at the InfoPoint in the cafeteria building or online from the accident insurance fund.

Please also inform the doctor treating you (including dentists) that the accident occurred in connection with attending a university.

When are you insured against accidents as a student? e.g.

  • while attending lectures, seminars, the library or canteen
  • during other activities for which the university is responsible (e.g. excursions)
  • on the associated outward and return journeys

By the way: The journey to enrolment is already insured.
Not insured are private activities such as

  • Study work at home
  • private study trips
  • revision courses with private providers
  • private interruptions on the way to or from the university (e.g. shopping)
  • private activities on the university premises

If you would like to report an accident, please proceed as follows:

TU Dortmund

Please report the accident to the faculty where you are studying as soon as possible.In the case of a sports accident, this is the General University Sports Department (AHS).

FH Dortmund

Accidents in connection with studying at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts must be reported immediately to the Student Affairs Office at Sonnenstraße 96 (Room A023), Tel.: 0231 / 9112 - 390or by e-mail at studienbuero(at)

FH South Westphalia

Please report to the Student Services Office in the event of an accident.

Health insurance for international students

The German Student Union (DSW) has concluded a framework agreement for foreign students who cannot take out statutory insurance. This is aimed primarily at foreign students over 30 years of age or from the 14th semester onwards, doctoral students, participants in language courses preparing for their studies, job-seekers after graduation, as well as family members travelling with them.

Further information is available on the website