Contact service centre

  • Service centre

    Canteen building
    Vogelpothsweg 85
    44227 Dortmund
    Phone 0231-20649-500

    Write an e-mail

  • Office hours

    Telephone service hours
    MO 10:00-12:00
    DI 13:30-15:00
    MI 13:30-15:00
    DO 09:00-11:00
    FR 08:30-12:00
    Phone 0231-20649-500
    Open consultation
    DI 09:00-12:00
    Personal consultation
    DO 13:30-15:30

    To book an appointment

  • Service centre

    Canteen building
    Vogelpothsweg 85
    44227 Dortmund
    Phone 0231-20649-500

    Write an e-mail

Personal consultation hours

To clarify questions, we advise tenants on Thursdays (13:30-15:30) during a personal consultation hour. Please make an appointment:

To book an appointment.