Peace as a theme: Photo competition launched

Peace is the motto of this year's Franco-German photo competition. Entries will be accepted until 12 May 2025.

In a world full of conflict and exactly 80 years after the end of the Second World War, peace in Europe is more important than ever. However, peace is not only crucial between states, but also between cultural and religious communities, between generations and in the family, but also in everyday life, in the neighbourhood and in relationships. And what does peace actually look like in communication, on social media or in the digital space? Last but not least, peace plays an important role in education, training and research, on the path to social justice or in the culture of remembrance. Is peace a goal or a path?


  1. First prize: 1000 euros
  2. Second prize: 750 euros
  3. Franco-German Friendship Prize for a particularly successful commitment to Franco-German friendship: 500 euros

Registration takes place via this page of the project: https: //

The Franco-German jury consists of representatives of the Cnous, the DSW and the financial support organisation DFJW. If possible, former prize winners and artists or photographers will also be included. The jury selects the exhibited works and the award winners based on the following criteria

  1. Relevance of the photographic work to the theme
  2. Creative thematic treatment of the topic
  3. Overcoming clichés, ingrained ways of thinking and prejudices
  4. Technical quality of the shot

The winners of the competition and other photos for the exhibition will be selected at the end of May 2025. The results of the jury meeting are expected to be announced at the end of June 2025. The award ceremony is expected to take place in June at the Crous de Lyon. The winners will be invited to the award ceremony.

Conditions of participation:

  • The photo competition is open to all students of legal age enrolled at a German or French university
  • Digital black and white and colour photos in JPG format (*.jpg) with a minimum resolution of 2362px X 3544px and a minimum size of 3 MB can be submitted
  • The quality of the image material should be sufficient for the exhibition (print format 30x40 cm)
  • The photos must be taken personally by the participants, AI-generated photos are excluded from participation
  • Only one photo per participant can be submitted

The Franco-German Photo Competition 2025 on the theme of PEACE is organised by the Deutsches Studierendenwerk in cooperation with its French partner "Centre des Oeuvres universitaires et scolaires" (Cnous), the umbrella organisation of French student unions, and is financially supported by the Franco-German Youth Office (DFJW). The project is aimed at students of all disciplines from Germany and France and aims to emphasise the idea of Franco-German friendship.

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