State-wide warning day on 13 March
The state-wide warning day will take place on Thursday, 13 March 2025. The aim of this campaign is to test the warning systems in NRW and to sensitise the population to disaster prevention. We as Studierendenwerk are also actively participating in this important day, as sirens are installed on some of our buildings.
At 11.00 a.m., sirens will be sounded together with other warning systems throughout NRW. The trial alarm is intended to optimise the warning processes and test the interaction and functionality of the various warning systems. The warning apps "NINA" (Federal Emergency Information and News App) and "KATWARN" as well as the so-called cell broadcast (automatic sending of warnings to mobile phones) will also be triggered at this time.
As this is purely an exercise, just keep calm! And perhaps check whether your own smartphone has also received the warning via the apps or the cell broadcast. This can be very important in an emergency.